All About The Brand
Duenkel Productions was started in October of 2020 since that day we have made amazing progress on the channel. The Goal is to continue to get better each and everyday and provide the best content for our fans. Below is all the information about the Brand Duenkel Productions and where you can find our content.
Bret Duenkel
Creator, Founder and Host of The Duenkel Productions Podcast. I came up with idea to start Duenkel Productions back in early October of 2020. We posted the first podcast on October 23, 2020. Duenkel Productions is a sports talk podcast but we also talk about things outside the sports world as well. I've enjoyed every minute of working on this podcast and want to thank all the supporters, fans and guests of the podcast. Hope y'all will continue to #Strive4Greatness like we are at Duenkel Productions. #EveryMomentMatters
Jake Mueller
The Mule Man
Jake Mueller is the manager, social media director, co host of the Mueller Monday episode and the Sunday Show. We are so lucky to have Jake be a huge part of Duenkel Productions. He works hard on everything for the brand, always comes up with great ideas for episodes and ideas for guests we can have on the show. Jake was the first person I (Duenkel) called when I was starting Duenkel Productions and wanted to be apart of it. Jake also came up with the name Duenkel Productions. The brand wouldn't be in this position it's at right now without Jake Mueller. #ThankyouJake!! #EveryMomentMatters
Youtube: Duenkel Productions
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Our Youtube Channel is where you can find all of our podcast episodes. We also during NFL Season do the Sunday Show where Dunk and Jake give their NFL Predictions for the week. The Sunday Show is a fan favorite. We also do YouTube Lives where we talk sports and interact with fans. Make sure y'all subscribe to the channel.
Follow us on Twitter: @DunksProductions We post tweets about episodes, we tweet sports news, sports updates. We also post sports polls.